
Showing posts from June, 2020

Transformational vs Servant Leadership style of Hotel Managers

What is your leadership style? Amongst the many answers that come to mind, A relatively uncommon used term in leadership is that of Servant Leadership. It is a concept wherein the goal of the leader is to serve.  It lays importance on playing the role of a steward of resources in the Company to serve others whilst engaging in the accomplishment of its goals. As Hotel Managers, it is vital to have a symbiotic relationship between individual growth and that of the organisation in order for both to survive and accomplish goals. For clarity purposes, let us look at the salient features of Servant Leadership- 1. Listening - Servant Leaders solicit others viewpoints through verbal and non verbal communication. Feedbacks are taken from everyone - be it compliments or compliments. 2.  Empathy - Putting oneself in others shoes and ensuring that complaints are not brushed aside is an important aspect.  3.  Healing  - Offering solutions by way of alternates, transformation